Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

They are 9 months...

Ok, almost 10, what can I say...I'm just a tad behind!.

9 months-- How come the 9 months of pregnancy went by sooooo slow and this last months are flying by?. Or are they really...because I can't remember life without them. I really can't. What did I do before?. So on the one hand it feels like it's gone by so fast...on the other hand I have this feeling like it's been like this forever. Like they have always been a part of my life.

Isn't that crazy?. I look at them sometimes and see myself....and yes, I see my husband (that one is pretty obvious though!). It feels so crazy to see myself though. Sometimes they have a certain smile that just reminds me of me and that's such a crazy and wonderful feeling. They are mine. They REALLY are mine. A year ago I had no clue what this would feel like. Today, I still have no clue how to describe how it feels, how it changes everyday, how my love grows and I just can't imagine loving them more than I already do. Then tomorrow I realize it is possible and I do love them even more.

I am so grateful to be their mom. I truly feel so blessed (yes, doubled blessed!)

So what have they been up to?

Well, we have teeth!. Alex got the first one (literally, just one)...and two days later Lucas got two!. I think Lucas is also getting one on the top and Alex is about to break his second tooth.

They are moving!...not proper crawling, but scooting and getting to where they want to be (for Lucas that is Chepe's water bowl!). Alex is a little behind so we have to do some x-rays to make sure his hips are ok (since he was breech). I think he's fine and I'm not worried, but we still have to check!.

They love to "talk". Alex has a special language...I actually think it's Mandarin and we're just not smart enough to know what he's saying ;) He talks and talks and talks.

Lucas loves to snuggle, he loves to hug. He also has to get everything Alex has (even if he has the exact same thing in his hands!).

Alex is's almost like he knows Lucas will get easily distracted and that's when he'll go and take his toy back!

They wrestle and they laugh. They laugh a LOT together. It is the cutest thing to watch.

They're down to two naps a day (short naps, but at least they nap!)...I can't really complaint because they do sleep 12 hours per night pretty much.

They love to eat. Anything I give them. They just LOVE to eat!. Bottles are a different story, they're not fans but just a couple more months of formula. I'm hoping they like regular milk better!.

Here are their 9 month pictures...