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Sunday, August 8, 2010

17.36 miles....

Is what I would have to run this week in order to meet my goal.....yikes!

This week has been tough. Lucas mastered how to pull himself to a standing position...yay! But at the same time this has meant BEDTIME TROUBLE!.

Goes like this:

We put them down at their normal time (6:30pm or so). They are exhausted (rubbing eyes, yawning, etc). Two seconds later they start laughing, we peek in and we see Lucas standing up, leaning over to see Alex. Alex sitting down cracking up.

This goes on for a while until it turns into crying (he hasn't mastered how to go from standing to laying back down!). They get frustrated, we go in, put them back down, now they are mad, crying begins. We go in, realize that if we leave them there they will just keep getting worked up and cry more and more. Bring them out, let them calm down and hang out with us. They calm down, get very sleepy again, we try again.

Rinse and repeat.

Eventually they pass out!.

So anyway, back to my goal. 17.36 miles. If I ran 4.34 miles 4 times, then I would be ok...I just don't know that I can manage to run 4 nights this week, given how these two are doing!.

Plan B is 4.5 miles, 4.5 miles and 8 miles.

What to do, what to do....I feel like I could do 8 miles. So maybe that's the way to go.


Courtney @ I CAN DO THIS said...

Do the 8! Just take it slow.