Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Book review: Marley & Me (No spoilers!)

Marley & Me, by John Grogan

Since I know a few of you are reading it I won't give away anything, but will just tell you how I feel about it.

I loved it!!! I think anyone that has ever had a dog will love this book. I think maybe even people that have never had one, but I don't know that they will get it as well (I may be wrong, but there are just certain things that you don't know about unless you have had a dog!).

I usually read at night or during business travel flights. While I read in bed, I'm next to a serious reader, the hubster. He reads serious books. Military, history, you name it...serious stuff!...So, apologies to him if my reading habits interfere with his serious reading (although i think he probably just ignores me..hehe). When I read in the plane, I'm next to strangers and don't feel comfortable laughing out loud (or crying for that matter).

I have learned the hard way that there are certain books I want to read at home. I want to feel free to laugh out loud or cry like a baby. It's the best thing about emotions through characters is always healing to me. Any book that taps into my emotions, whether good or bad, is a good book in my mind.

After reading a few chapters, I knew this was a book I wanted to read at home. i was laughing OUT LOUD!. Every night while reading I would glance at Chepe and that just made me laugh harder (probably remembering similar episodes in Chepe's life).

As I was getting close to the end, I also knew this was a book I wanted to read at home. I also knew this was a book I wanted to finish alone!. No offense to my dear serious reader, but I wanted to be alone. One Saturday night, I called it a night early on and came upstairs. Got myself ready to finish the book. And well, let's just say afterwards I felt very light and slept like a baby. It's a sad but happy feeling....the best kind.

Dogs are just amazing. Anyone that has been blessed by having one touch their lives knows what I am talking about. So don't get sad, be glad and know you're lucky...and the best dogs are sometimes the "worst" dogs :)

And here is a picture taken last week of the little one that terrorizes the neighbors and dogs (big or small). Chepe is a funny character and now in adulthood there are a few Chepesisms I thought I would share,
  • He doesn't know many tricks, but the ones that he knows he has mastered
  • He may not know hot to heel and walk beside you "properly", but is always excited to go for a walk.
  • He may not always come when you call him, specially if he's taking a nice nap...but he will come around when he is ready and finish the lap next to you.
  • He is our little black bear, but is as tender as they come.
  • He barks at everyone that walks by...specially if they are kids. He has a specially mean bark reserved for them....but has shown that even when my nephews terrorize him, he will just run away and not hurt them.
  • He is at his happiest when his favorite humans are together in the couch.
  • He is the best napping partner you will ever find and appreciates if you share the nap blanket with him.
  • He likes to sleep on his back, legs up...what? is that not how most dogs sleep.
He is a small dog with a big personality, a big bark and a huge heart.

This post is dedicated to all dogs that have and for those that continue to touch your lives.


Nani said...

I agree!!! I read it to and from California and I laughed and cried so hard I scared people around me hahahaha!

This is my very first book I finished and I read without peeking the last chapter... I have difficulty concentrating ;)

Te veo manana socia!

Felix Saez de Ibarra said...

Te cuento que esta no es mi especialidad, pero anoche cuando lei tu post me conmovio un pelo y por eso se los lei a las 3 personas que estaban en la cena y no te cuento como rodaron las lagrimas, casi que hubo que escurrir la alfombra, obviamente los tres son perreros y te entendieron perfectamnete el lenguaje y significado de tus palabras y expresiones sobre tan especial amigo de cuatro patas, Gracias por compartir tus sentimientos con todos nosotros tus lectores. erpapin

Anonymous said...

Ya de vuelta en casa, puedo leer mis mail y por supuesto : TU BLOG que me fascina.
De las tres personas lloronas que dice el papin, adivina quien es una de ellas???? Yo no he leido el libro, pero cuando vi que se trataba de un perro, me imagine el final y luego confirme lo que me sospechaba.......Ahi pense en Alatz, Beltxa, Garoa y Zoom con el mismo orden que no es justamente como llegaron a mi vida.....
Yo pienso en una loquera que quizas algunos de los que hemos podido vivir y compartir con un perro podrian estar de acuerdo. Yo pienso que DIOS puso los perros en el mundo para enseñarnos a los humanos a ser mejores personas. Las muestras de lealtad, solidaridad, respeto, admiracion, entrega, amor incondicional, compañia, fidelidad, etc,etc, que los perros manifiestan constantemente a sus amos, es unico es su especie. Basta ver los perros de las personas que viven en la calle. Van con ellos a todos lados y seguro, ni cariño ni comida reciben. Pero ahi estan, con ellos siempre y felices. Asi, que hago una invitacion al ser humano, a actuar como perros y a las chicas : A MOVER LA COLITA.......jejejejjeje

Besos y abrazos y felicitaciones nuevamente por tu excelente blog