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Friday, December 5, 2008

Can you believe her!?

Do you see the mini-Nikeplus-me on the right side?

She thinks I'm lazy...she thinks I just sit around and do nothing!!. Well, she is sort of right..I haven't been for a run this week, but I've got perfect excuses that I thought I would share with you before the mini-me convinces you that I'm a couch potato!. Monday and Tuesday I was out of commission due to the Alcohol Shot. Wednesday and Thursday I was up bright and early and got my behind kicked at Boot Camp!.

Today I am hoping to go out for a run before dinner, but I may not have if I don't then I'm planning for two runs this weekend...a long one tomorrow and a shorter one on Sunday. The long one will hopefully be 6 miles!...uhhh, getting nervous about my 10 K!!!! I want to make sure I can do a couple of long runs before THE day!

Have a nice weekend!!!


Felix Saez de Ibarra said...

Ay chama como vas a hacer para coger el ritmo y ponerte las pilas sino vas a tener que comprarte una perinola para hacer un deporte anaerobico.......Animate y a la calle erpapin

Anonymous said...

Esa venezolanita que tienes jugando el palito con la pelotica es medio rata. No te dejes fastidiar y dale para adelante. ANIMOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!