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Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Take THAT Bathroom Closet

(originally written a while back but didn't get around to uploading the pictures until today!)

You thought just because I've been slacking I would forget about you. You thought, "no way she will spend the last Sunday in March cleaning off a closet".

Well...take that!. I win. I did it. Sure, I would have rather been at the pool or laying in the couch (more likely)...but I didn't.

So to all other messy spaces in this house...don't let my lately appearance of a lazy person fool you. I'm coming after you. Me, my baskets, trash bags and labels.




Anonymous said...

hehehe you are such a dork! y que paso con el resto de las toallas??

Felix Saez de Ibarra said...

Cuando vas a sacar los limones del closet y describirnos tu proceso para que quede buenisimo para todos seguirlo

Alicia said...

No puedo creer que todavia tienes la caja de maquillaje q compramos en farmatodo en 1994 antes de que te fueras a Kansas!