Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Thursday, September 17, 2009

33 weeks!!

Yep, that's right! 33 weeks!!!.

I won't lie...I've hit a wall and it's getting harder and harder everyday. I don't want to send the boys mixed messages and say I'm done being pregnant...but boy it's been a tough week!. I think all the drama with the non-passing NSTs and the trip to L&D have gotten to me.

Add to that the fact that I work from home so I don't have much interaction with the outside world nowadays (since I'm not running or attending gym classes!). I leave the house either to hang out at the Dr's office or to get groceries. I guess you could say what's really getting to me is the combination of: cabin fever + excitement + raging hormones + over sized growing body + the good ol' discomforts of pregnancy (which quite honestly, you learn to live with after a while and forget at one point you used to be a flexible, active and pain free gal).

Today we had our third NST...and guess who passed?

Baby A...yep, he finally did!!...can I get a what-what!!??

Now, guess who failed....Baby B!. So off to the ultrasound again, which was ok since we had our growth ultrasound scheduled anyway. Both babies are looking good and... (drum roll)

Each one weighs 4.5 lbs !!!!!!! (applause please)

(and babies do a standing ovation)

Go boys!!!!

So it's been a tough week, but I'm feeling better about the mantra for the next 5 weeks will be "we're almost there, we're almost there" while I think of chubby little legs.

And here is the bump picture...

Ps: I already ordered the additional art for the nursery (see post below). Stay tuned to see what I got and how it looks in the nursery once it arrives!


Lani said...

I can't believe you are 33 weeks! Those are great weights too for the boys!

Annie said...

Great weights, one of my girls weight 4.5 when born.

Melissa Ann said...

Hang in there. I found going to the OB expecting someone to fail knowing that it wasn't a big deal was easier than expecting to come home. I also found that if I ate something like a smoothie or ice cream or had some juice before I went in for an NST, that they were more likely to pass.

Your nursery is so fun! Keep up the good work... You can make it!