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Saturday, September 5, 2009

Working the bump!

I must have been looking particularly round pregnant today because at least 5 complete strangers were extremely nice to me.

Offering seats, making nice comments and let's not forget the sweet teenager at the grocery store who said "I don't know if you want help with your groceries or not, but I'm going to help you anyway because I only have myself to take care of!".

I love it when people are just genuinely nice. I hope they don't get offended when I give them puzzled looks though. You see...I forget that I'm pregnant sometimes.

Today, when a guy insisted I took his seat while waiting for our table during lunch, I just kept looking at him thinking..."but WHY!!?". I didn't mean to, I just forget my bump has become all people see when they see me.

I'm ok with that though...a walking bump brings out the best in (most) people.

I'll take it!

Ps: Don't forget to enter the giveaway below!!!


Deanna said...

Take advantage of the next few weeks! When that bump is gone, you can work the advantages that come with having two newborn babies for awhile...that makes people pretty nice, too! : )

Dusty @AllThingsG+D said...

Awww...glad to hear you're getting such wonderful treatment!