Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Monday, May 31, 2010

Who am I to say what's fun?

I grew up surrounded by women. I had two sisters, one mom, one step mom, grandmas, a bunch of girl cousins, get the point. We had plenty of estrogen going around (my poor dad!).

I know how girls have fun! Boys, well that's a different story. Thankfully my husband loves all things boys love to do...but for now, they are too young to go camping, fishing, hiking and the occasional fun bear encounters.

The boys have a fun little play area in the family room. They have a lot of toys to keep them entertained. But what's the favorite past time, you ask?

-- Pulling each other's hair and kicking each other --

They (both) think it's hilarious.

Just this morning, my husband put them in one crib (we do this so they can "play") and we can buy an extra few minutes catching some ZZZs. He heard hysterical laughing and goes in to check what the brothers are up to...

Lucas had managed to put his head in Alex's belly (I'm guessing they were baby wrestling). Alex was grabbing his brother's head, holding on for dear life to his hair. Both of them laughing their chubby bottoms off.

Me? Not a fan of hair pulling (even though this was the way my sisters and I would solve important conflicts!).

...But who am I to say what's fun!


Rebecca Leimbach said...

Just you wait until Harper hears about this! How dare the boyz have fun without her!