We're taking the babies on a plane for the first time soon. I'm a little nervous about the plane ride...I keep telling myself that worst case scenario everyone in the plane hates us by the time we land in our destination...oh well, I wasn't hoping to expand our friend's circle on the plane anyway!
Any tips for keeping 8 month olds "happy" in the plane?. I know they say to bottle feed them at take-off at landing...this may be an issue...
I'm also a little nervous about the eating habits they are developing lately. They LOVE food, they can eat "real" food anytime, anywhere and with anyone. Bottles? Not so much. The only bottle they drink without problems is the 7am bottle (because I give it to them before breakfast). After that bottle, it's a constant fight to get them to drink even 4oz.
It is exhausting!....and they are very particular about how they drink their bottles...if there is anything more interesting, then forget it. I keep reading they should have 24-32 oz...I'm lucky if we're getting 18-20 oz!. So while on vacation I hope they don't give me a horrible time when it's time for bottles!
Should I be concerned? Change their formula? Let them be?
More than the plane and the bottles...I'm concerned about sleep. Yep, call me selfish :)
They have developed a new habit of waking up at like 5am (sometimes even before!). I don't go in their room until past they basically just lay there chatting with each other from crib to crib. While we are on vacation we will all be in the same room!....I really hope they "sleep in" until at least 6am.
Funny, in a not funny at all kinda way, how I think 6am is "sleeping in" nowadays! ha!.
Even with those "worries" I couldn't be more excited!. The little guys are going on their first plane trip and will get to meet our friends (uncles, aunties and cousins!).
These guys are getting so big that it's crazy to think just a few months ago the newborn diapers were huge on them!. Time flies, and soon, they'll be flying too! ;)
On another note, see the little gadget on the right?. That's right, I met my goal for last week!
Our boys are 9.5 months old and they started really drinking less and less around 8 months. They used to take 7-9 ounce bottles at every feeding; now we're lucky if we get 5 ounces out of them! Our doctor told us that as long as they are getting 18-24 ounces a day, for us not to worry. Usually we are closer to 18 than 24, and the boys are doing fine. As long as they are growing, seem healthy, and are getting plenty of wet diapers a day -- they are fine. :)
My twin boys started getting really hard to take a bottle around 4 months. I think it is just a phase where they are so interested with the world around them. Somethings we tried: faster flow nipples, and feeding them when they are tired and just woken up from their nap. Our boys are now 5 months and it still happens from time to time.
Quit your bitchin, your going on vacation and leaving me with nothing to do... I hope your happy!
Just kidding, everything will work out just fine and you will have a great time!
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