Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

10 months!

Super late...and I haven't even taken their "monthly shot" (*gasp!*)...but I don't want to forget a thing and having a little something for them for each month of their first birthday is important to here we go!

And then there were teeth.....

Took a while for those little white pearls to come in...but we went from zero to 8 teeth in one month!. Alex got the first one...but he got ONE. Lucas followed with two back to back and then two on the top. Alex followed by one on the top, then one on the bottom..and now we are seeing the second one on the top. I like his staggered approach ;)


And we're off!

They are EVERYWHERE. Sometimes I wonder if I have quadruplets. They really do move so fast!. They are pro-crawlers and Lucas pulls himself up on everything!. Alex is quickly following though and will be pulling up more consistently before we know it!. The family room has been blocked off with gates, just so we have at least one *safe* space for them...because you know, mama's gotta pee sometimes!

To the barber we go...

Ok, not really the barber, but they got their very first hair cut!. They look so handsome....and SO grown up! Don't even want to think about it too much because it makes me so nostalgic. I can't believe it...not long ago they were bald (yes, bald! I had to post a few pictures on another site for the non-believers...but just check out month 1 and 2 on the pictures on the side)

Beach Bums!

We took them to the beach twice this month and they LOVED it. They played and the end they looked like they were breaded with sand (yumm, like crispy little chickens!). They loved the water and most of all they loved napping in the shade!

(Lucas left, Alex right)

Family ties...

We also got a short visit from the g'parents :) I wish all my family was close by. I miss them all so much and I know the boys do too!



You are such a sweet little guy. So smart and so sweet. You have become more social and love to smile at everyone. You love to talk and you love to study things. You love being close to your brother and I love how you look at him. He's truly your best friend.

You recently started sleeping on your tummy, like Lucas does!. You love to snuggle with your little bunny when it's time for bed and when you can't fall sleep, you sit there hugging your bunny waiting for one of us to come get you. If you wake up in the middle of the night you think it's time to with your teeth have come some long nights and you've come to bed to snuggle a bit with us!.



How do you have the cutest dimples in the world?. I swear those dimples and that smile will get you whatever you want. You are a little "monster". You get into everything!...the house is quickly being dismantled just to make it safe for you...because nothing is safe from you (not even Chepe!). You love to take toys from your brother and you love to hug him and kiss him. You also love to pull his hair (and mommy's!) so we're working on that...

You are such a funny little pull up on everything and love to use mommy as a jungle gym. You love to be with people and you love Chepe too (he's not so sure about you and your hair pulling!)


Alex and Lucas, you're growing up so fast!. I couldn't help but tear up when I saw all the back to school pictures my friends shared. Just thinking about you going to school one day makes me so proud, nervous, happy and sad!. Time is flying!.

It hasn't been an "easy" ten months...but they have been the best 10 months of my life and I don't want to miss a thing. Now you cuddle back with mommy and daddy and I truly feel like my heart is going to explode. You guys hug me and love to just lay with those moments I always hold you tight...I pray...I imagine all the good things I want for you, the values you have, the life I want for you. I pray and I say thank you. A lot.


Stephanie said...

I have tears in my eyes!! Beautiful post are a wonderful mother and those boys know it! I am sure it is so rewarding to know that they now are beginning to realize all you do for them...hence the cuddling and hugging back!

Anonymous said...

How sweet!

Rebecca Leimbach said...

Damn you for making me cry! I never see this side of you... Though you didn't give birth to me!!! Haaaa. Much love!