Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Under 58 minutes...

* Before the update I just wanted to let you all know I am running the 5K Race for the Cure, to support my sister's friend, Daniela. Please visit the link on the right and support our team (Tati is our team Captain!). You can sponsor us and/or come join us. Come on, a little bit can make a big difference and we want to show Daniela that she's not alone in this fight!. What better way to start the year than by giving to an important cause while getting fit in the mean time!!. Papi, gracias por tu apoyo :))) te quiero! *

Ok, now to the update you all have been waiting for...yeah, yeah, I know nobody was waiting, but humor me :)

Under 58 minutes...

Is my goal for the 10K race next weekend!. Today, I had my long practice run...while I won't tell you it was *easy*, I will tell you I felt ok throughout...a little tired right around Mile 5, but decided to drop the pace a little bit to catch my breath. I finished strong (or so I thought)...completing 6.33 miles (my farthest run yet..and I had Lance Armstrong on my Nike+ to remind me about that fact!). My average pace was 9'35'' mins/mile...not too shabby :)

The last time I ran over 6 miles, was October 24th. That day I ran 6.23 miles and my average pace 10'13'' min/ I shaved 38 seconds per mile in under 2 months. This may not sound like a lot, but it is!!

That long run in October, was when I decided to go to the Doctor for the foot pain and found out about the Neuroma...shortly thereafter, I started the alcohol treatments which has definitely slowed down my training (since I am down for two whole days every two weeks!)...but it has been all worth it!.

Why under 58 minutes?...well, I used a handy little Calculator and decided that I *think* I could average 9'20'' min/miles on race day. I didn't have a method for estimating this, and I'm sure serious runners are probably laughing at my estimates and less than scientific method for selecting a goal, but it just seemed like a good number to we will go with that!

That's 15 secs less per mile, which is 93 seconds less for the 10K (1.55 minutes less than my time today). Again, seems like a little goal, but it really isn't. I'll be thrilled is I can achieve that goal!.

After the run it was time to get dinner ready. The husband asked for "Beef Tostadas" for dinner and even though I was tired, I couldn't say no because he never has any requests when it comes to dinner (and some days I need some help with ideas!), so when he does have a request, I simply can't resist. Let me tell you, I enjoyed them so much too!. They were Delicious!!...of course I had to have fresh salsa and guacomole as add-ons (yummm!). While we were eating I told Alejandro one day I will take him to best tostada place ever. If you are from Caracas you know what I'm talking about...Santa Ana Tostadas!....ahh, so good. Now, I am ready for a warm shower and then going right back to my vampire stories! (I'm almost at the end of the book! sniff, sniff!).

I leave you with my graph from Nike for today's run..Not sure if you can tell (you can click it to see a bigger picture), but I slowed down to about 9'49'' and then sprinted a bit at the end, pretending I was finishing the race..hehe, my head just works in funny ways! (the top there is about 6'59'')


Felix Saez de Ibarra said...

Ya estas lista preciosa esta semana tienes que cuidarte mucho de no excederte por la emocion y deja para el dia de la carrera la fuerza, yo te sugiero que empieces la primera milla suave y luego aumentes el ritmo tratando de mantenerlo igual hasta el final con el ritmo que te permita llegar a tu meta de bajo 58 y en la ultima media milla trata de acelerar un poco para ver si puedes bajar la meta, te sugiero tambien que te escribas en una mano o en el antebrazo el tiempo que debes llevar en cada milla o media milla para que te vayas chequeando como vas y si necesitas algun ajuste del ritmo, lo importante es que no te dejes llevar por la adrenalina y luego te falten fuerzas, como me gustaria verte ese dia. erpapin

Anonymous said...

Desde Costa Rica te apoyamos en la carrera y te mandamos fuerzas espirituales para que la termines airosa.

Suerte y para adelante siempre!!!!!!!!!!!!