Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Friday, June 4, 2010

Gimme that phone!

A few weeks ago I got the boys a toy cell phone, since they seem so interested in mine!.

This morning they were fighting over the cell phone. They love that thing!

And here we thought they were "all daddy"! there you go folks, the boys got something from mommy!

(img from


Karin said...

Hi! I have never posted anything on your blog but I have been following quietly for about a year now. I am 38 weeks pregnant just now with "only" one girl but... I thought I need to let you know about your muscle separation.
I used to run as well and also did pilates to keep toned. My pilates trainer told me a lot about the muscle separation after birth and basically with pilates, you can bring these muscles back together and maybe get that six pack after all ;-) Before you spend money on plastic surgery... check out pilates. All the best to you and your lovely boys.

Trisha B said...

All kids seem to love cell phones!I'm stopping by to let you know that we have moved to Please follow me there!
Thanks so much!