Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


clumsy  [kluhm-zee] (Source)

  1. awkward in movement or action; without skill or grace: He is very clumsy and is always breaking things.
  2. awkwardly done or made; unwieldy; ill-contrived: He made a clumsy, embarrassed apology.

  • Synonyms:
  1. ungraceful, ungainly, lumbering, lubberly.
  2. unhandy, unskillful, maladroit, inexpert, bungling, bumbling, heavy-handed, inept.

  • Antonyms:
adroit, skillful.

That's me. Clumsy, big bellied, ungraceful, with awkward movements and with a permanent case of butter fingers.

Thankfully, this appears to be normal during pregnancy. You see, pregnant women have swollen fingers (that's just a nice way of saying sausage fingers) and also suffer from "loosening" of the joints as the due date gets closer.

Believe me -- I researched it. It's normal. One day I will stop dropping things. I swear, I will. Hopefully that day will come before I destroy the entire contents of the kitchen!

After breaking a cup...I mean, when a cup broke as it slipped right out of my sausage fingers, I buried myself into the messiest room in the house: My office. It wasn't always messy, let's get that clear...I used to have a perfectly functional and pretty office.

Until it became the nursery.... my office had to be moved to the condo (remember my condo? I still miss it!). The room also happened to be the "storage" room for those things that don't fit well anywhere else in the house. Well, plain and was, as my hubster would say, "a disaster". I spent the entire day cleaning, took out three huge bags of trash (mainly papers!), organized filing cabinets, hung a painting and my work boards -magnetic calendar, cork board and white board- and updated my calendar and to-do lists.

Looking back it probably wasn't a good idea to get on a ladder (considering my unskillful and ungraceful awkward movements) with a hammer in hand, but I just HAD to hang a painting!

Not too bad make up for my pregnancy clumsiness, I took full advantage of another late pregnancy symptom: Nesting.


What is the Nesting Instinct?
The nesting instinct is the name given to the distinctive urge to clean, tidy, and organize that occurs during pregnancy. One of the many.


Many women acutely experience the nesting instinct in the final days of their pregnancy, and this can often be a sign that labor and delivery is close at hand.


What Causes the Nesting Instinct?
The nesting urge in pregnancy is thought to be caused by both biological and emotional factors.

Most females in the animal kingdom experience similar patterns ofcleaning and preparation when they are pregnant. From birds to bears, female animals appear to have an intrinsic need to prepare ahead of time for their new arrival.

So there you have it, third trimester at is best!